Friday, May 25, 2012

Jamaican culture

Most Jamaicans are protestant and speak english, however many jamaicans, especially in rural areas speak Patois, a combination of English and some African languages. The Family in Jamaican culture is very important, as it is the people you spend most of your life with. Trust is very important in Jamaica, and many Jamaicans do not trust those in authority. The people of Jamaica are very religous, Jamaica, a small island, has more churches per capita than anywhere in the world. The Rastafarians are a group in Jamaica that rose in the 1930's and believes that they are a lost tribe from israel, and were taken to Jamaica by slavery, and they must return to ethiopia. They believe that Africa is the birthplace of mankind. They also believe that Haile Selassie I, the last emporer of Ethiopia, was the second coming of Jesus Christ on earth. Politness and courtesy are also highly practiced in Jamaica.

(Haile Selassie I)

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